
December 18

It is the beginning of the end; the first time that I find something missing.

I have OCD. So, I know where everything is. I don’t even have to look at what I am bringing out of the cupboards.

When I put my hand up for my cappuccino cup and felt an empty space, I was flummoxed. I looked in the sink, on the draining board, on the bedside cabinet. Nada. Zilch. I took out my second-favourite cup, and… I discovered that all the mocha pods were missing.

December 19

Ah. Today it was a light bulb from the chandelier in the ballroom. I noticed because my troupe was holding rehearsals for the New Year’s Eve Extravaganza…

Now the lights in the chandelier were not symmetrical, and my OCD was palpitating fit to explode.

December 20

Who could the crook be?

The pilfered stuff appeared to be random. I kept my eyes peeled and my ears open, to no avail.

I could never guess where, or when, or how, the next theft would happen. Today it was all the brown eggs – white ones had been placed in their stead. At least the thief had not only taken something, but had given something back. And yet… what if the eggs were poisoned? I threw them away.

I made a couple of phone calls.

And in the afternoon, the bizarre thefts went on. A tin of shoe polish; a bottle of aftershave. All the fruit except for one solitary tangerine, from the bowl in the middle of the dining room table. The X-Files book off my beside cabinet. The pruning shears. The hair crimper.

December 21

At great expense, I had the latest state-of-the-art CCTV cameras installed.

They don’t usually deliver at such short notice – but I have friends of friends, and as we say in Maltese, with money you can make a road in the sea.

The items taken were not valuable enough to support a drug habit of one of the staff; neither could they be sold online, or to a fence for petty cash, because this would surely arouse suspicion.

The hit-and-miss pilfering continued. Today it was a wall fan from my sewing room, and a broken alarm clock that was too pretty to throw away; an opened packet of biscuits; a tub of hardened playdough; a microfibre floor-cloth; all the socks in the orphan sock drawer… which could have been stolen before, but I only found out because I was going to make crafts for the children in the Home.

December 22

The husband suggested we call the Police. I put my foot down. The thief never stole expensive things, or useful ones. The confounding burglar filched things that had no monetary value, but were missed by for different reasons.

The thief, it was clear, wanted to be a nuisance, wanting to create irritation, if not outright anger. And, besides, we would look silly, I said, complaining about the loss of a new packet of felt-tip pens and a 5-litre container of lavender laundry conditioner.

December 23

It was as if the thief knew where the cameras were installed, and which particular spots in a room were not covered; items were always lifted from blind zones. Or perhaps the crook could turn them on and off on demand.

The irrational thievery continued: all the Mozart CDs from my BBC radio discs collection. My favourite blouse; the one I intended to wear as hostess for Christmas Lunch. A tin of corned beef laid out with the rest of the ingredients for a pie, on the kitchen counter. A bespoke bottle of medicated shampoo. A billiards trophy off the mantlepiece. A tattered copy of Dianetics.

December 24

The husband appeared to be getting exasperated. He convened a Staff Meeting to thrash this out, and asked whether by accident, chance, or even need or design any one of them had taken something, anything.

He actually asked whether one of them had seen any other employee acting suspiciously, in which case they were to contact him privately. I just sat there, my mind in a whirl. He hinted at a big reward to the snitch. I watched their faces for micro-expressions, but I didn’t notice any.

The maids, cooks, and chauffeur all stared at one another, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, unsure what to make of the husband. Was he taking the piss? Was he setting them up? What was with the false bonhomie, the implied threats, and the cajoling?

And so it went on. A framed copy of The Class of ’76. The spare keys to the laundry, and the stables, and the car. A fund-raising Christmas Catalogue that featured our ranges of jams and preserves.

December 25

Laughingly, I suggested that a poltergeist was setting up home, and, for all we knew, was stealing stuff from all the mansions in the area.

Angrily, the husband replied that this was not funny at all, and if he found out who the prankster was, he would garrotte him. Or her, he said, with a side-glance at me that spoke volumes. The maid stopped pouring my elevenses cup of tea mid-way. I giggled, and he frowned.

The pilferer didn’t take Christmas off, and the ludicrous list grew longer; an unopened tube of toothpaste from one of the downstairs bathrooms; half the clothespins; all shades of green, pink, and yellow threads from the sewing basket.

It was farcical, with surreal undertones; a tragi-comedy without Troilus or Cressida. He suggested that everyone – including ourselves – take a lie-detector test. I told him he was letting a silly prankster ruin his life.

The CCTV cameras suddenly started picking up blurs, and the microphones began recording static – but nothing that could help identify the suspect. I said it might be Flash Gordon, and he ranted and raved at me for treating the whole thing as a joke. I told him life was too short to allow someone to live rent-free inside his head.

He was furious.

He said he was going out to “clear his head”, and slammed the door on his way out.

I swear I heard him laugh hysterically as the garage door rose. Seconds later, the engine started, revved, and his sportscar careened away down the street.

They couldn’t save him. The car had been totalled, crumpled like a toffee wrapper, and since he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, he had shot out right through the windscreen. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

Happy Christmas, indeed.

December 26

I spent the day mostly answering questions… the Police, relatives, friends, and neighbours, all wanted to know the same things, apparently.

1.No, he wasn’t high or drunk – as the tests confirmed.

2.No, we had not quarrelled before he left the house.

3.No, he did not have enemies who wished him dead.

4.No, he did not have depression.

5.Yes, the car was in perfect working condition.

6.Yes, he had a need for speed and loved to drive his Triáncé like the wind.

7.Yes, he rarely wore a seatbelt.

8.Yes, he knew that Christmas dinner was going to be served in an hour.

9.Yes, he knew that we had guests coming.

10.               No, the food wasn’t wasted – the staff portioned it and packed it, and gave it to the guests as take-aways.

December 27

It was the day of the Funeral (upper case mine).

I got to wear my Hervé Léger dress anyway, since it was sort of demure, and black. To decimate gossip, I wore a dowdy, heavy, black cardigan over it, and back leggings under it.

To complete the picture of the grieving widow, I occasionally dabbed at my eyes with a lace-edged, black silk handkerchief which I ran up myself. It pained me to waste a nightie… but it was the best I could do, at such short notice.   

People I had never seen thronged into the church. Some of them even came up to me to offer condolences… but not the Gossip Columnist of the local rag, who was wearing a wig and obviously thinking I would not recognise her.

I was dying to tell her it was the good old gaslighting technique, from the get-go.  

I noted the zombie-like demeanour of one of the husband’s secretaries, who, he used to tell me, fancied herself as quite the novelist… indeed she had self-published five books. The last I heard of her – the week before, in fact – she was writing the sixth one.

Something clicked, and it all fell into place. She was – had been! – in cahoots with the husband, for sure.

I caught her eye, smiled at her, and gave her a thumbs-up sign and a cheery wave. To make assurance doubly sure that she understood what I was signing, I made an “O” with my thumb and index finger, and blew her a kiss. Then, I used said thumb and index finger to make that puerile “Bang, you’re dead!” gesture.

She gasped, covered her mouth, sat down heavily… and fainted.

Oh, and…by the way… the thefts stopped as suddenly as they had begun… 


I gave permission for the ballroom to be used anyway, for the New Year’s Eve Extravaganza.

Since I was in mourning, I did not attend – but I could not help humming along to the music.

Will You Walk Into My Parlour…

When I was a kid, I caught the occasional spider and let it loose in my room without telling my sister.

But, it wasn’t a practical joke.

I was being eco-conscious, way before the word was a twinkle in any environmentalist’s eye.

The spiders themselves never caused a problem; however, their webs did – especially when bits of them dangled from the corners of the ceiling or light fixture. Removing them completely would have meant evicting Itsy Bitsy and Incey Wincey from their tiny homes. And leaving them there made the room look messy. Option number three, trying to sweep them closer to the ceiling, left oily marks on the walls.

Eventually I discovered that touching the web lightly on one side would make the spider scamper to the other side. Then, I could carefully pinch a corner of the web between my thumb and index finger, and move it closer towards the wall where I hoped it would be less noticeable.

Not many people know that the spider generates different fibers for different parts and purposes of the web. Some are the bridge, frame, anchor and radius threads. Then there is the mystical capture spiral; the only actual sticky silk on the spider web. It can stretch up to three times its length before breaking, ensnaring prey touching it.

The fiber secreted by spiders has been compared to Kevlar, which is five times stronger than steel and used for bulletproof vests. How amazing is it that such a small creature can produce something so tough?

Each thread of a spider’s web is a real-time work of art; the creature itself is a lesson. Rip the web, and it’ll weave it again, in one meticulous session.

The lives of each of us connect with those of others, like the different threads of a web. Each of us has a different, yet connected mission in life. Some of us can offer support; some of us stability; and some of us hold the whole fabric of our friends’ lives together because we help them interconnect with one another.

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Prayables/Galleries/Philippians-4-5.aspx?p=4#1orTDWqIUE4th8gw.99




Wildebeests and zebras look as different as chalk and cheese.  One is bulky; the other is sleek. And yet, they have found the secret of co-existing peacefully. Without knowing of the word, they have developed symbiosis – a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship.

I think of my childhood friends with whom I am still in touch, and marvel at the empathy, solidarity and synergy amongst us… because we make them happen. Dependable Emma who would cut her hair short if I had alopecia (hair loss); athletic Simone who’d take off her loafers because my stilettos hurt me; fashion-plate Helga who would leave the party early if I was tired; Earth-mother Susan who’d miss a boat-trip to visit me in the hospital; world-famous artiste Stella who’d clean my dirty laundry if my machine broke. I reciprocate as needed.

We have lived, loved, laughed and cried together, and prayed with and for one another.

Our friendship has withstood the test of time. Acquaintances come and go, but friends with whom you give-and-take, without counting the cost, remain forever.  When you are blessed with a true friend, treasure her.

– Tanja Cilia
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Prayables/features/love/give-a-take-of-friendship.aspx#MmdoV4fLEGD09cw5.99

Meta Sigriet Ma Jibqax

Lehen is-Sewwa 1 ta’ Frar 2015


Meta Sigriet Ma Jibqax…

Henry ried jiżżewwiġha biex ikollu t-tfal. Dorothy riedet tiżżewġu biex tgħix ħajja ta’ sinjura. Darba qaltli li beżgħet li jekk ikollha t-tfal “titlef kollox” inkluż il-figura sabiħa li kellha. Qaltli biex inżomm kollox sigriet. U jien hekk għamilt.

Dan l-aħħar iltqajt magħha, u bqajt issummata. Fejn kienet l-artista li kont naf? Niftehmu, xorta kienet qisha artista, imma flok Diva, kienet qisha s-Saħħara l-Ħażina tal-Wizard of Oz; għajnejha ħomor, xagħar b’ferq abjad ta’ pulzier, riħa ta’ għaraq qares, nifs jinten…

Morna nieħdu kafe. Qaltli li stajt ma nżommux iżjed is-sigriet. Anzi, insistiet li ngħidu biex jitgħallem ħaddieħor. Qaltli li kellha ħabiba tal-qalb li magħha kienet tafda kollox. Qaltilha li biex ma tinqabadx tqila, kienet tieħu l-kontraċettivi. U l-oħra qaltiha li sewwa kienet tagħmel għax it-tfal tagħha inkwiet biss kienu ġabulha. Għiduli naqra, x’inkwiet jistgħu jġibu tfal ta’ inqas minn għaxar snin, għajr xi ġlieda ’l hawn u ’l hinn u li ma jkunux iridu jistudjaw?

Darba minnhom Henry wasal id-dar tard wara x-xogħol, u Dorothy staqsietu, bla ebda ħsieb ta’ xejn, fejn kien mar. “Mhux aħjar tara fejn tmur int?” ħatafha. Hi ħasbitu qed jiċċajta. Imma kien qed jitkellem bis-serjetà kollha. “Għalhekk ma ridtx tmur taħdem, ja mara ħażina…”

Wara ġlieda papali, li fiha akkużaha li kienet qed taqlibhielu, u insinwazzjonijiet dwar li għalhekk qatt ma riedet tfal, biex tkun tista’ tiġġerra ’l hawn u ’l hinn, taha daqqa ta’ ħarta u qasmilha xoffitha. Din kienet l-ewwel darba li kien refa’ idu fuqha.

Dorothy intilfet. Filli dak il-fsied kollu u filli jgħajjarha mara tat-triq. U la ried jiekol u la ried jibqa’ fl-istess sular li kienet hi… Biex jorqod, issakkar fl-istudju tiegħu, fejn kellu sufan. Qabel ma sabbat il-bieb, qalilha li jieħdu żgur l-annullament għax kienet ħbietlu li ma ridetx tfal.

Hi kienet taf li qatt ma tat wiċċ lil ħaddieħor. Bilfors li xi ħadd kien gideb fuqha, u mlieh bil-velenu. Bil-kwiet, ippakkjat ftit ħwejjeġ f’basket, u telqet ’il barra bla ma taf fejn kienet se tagħti rasha. Ċemplet lill-ħabiba tagħha, u rrakuntatilha x’ġara. Din qaltilha li sewwa kienet għamlet li telqet mid-dar, għax la kien sawwatha (użat dik il-kelma tabilħaqq) darba, kien se jkompli jagħmel hekk.

Imma… ma setgħetx iżżommha għandha, “għax taf int, bit-tfal…”. U għal Dorothy dik l-enfasi fuq il-kelma tfal kienet kixfet lill-oħra. Qisha xegħlet bozza tal-elf f’daqqa. Mela hi kienet hi li kixfitha ma’ Henry. Ċemplitlu? Iltaqgħet miegħu wara x-xogħol? Bagħtitlu xi ittra?

L-oħra staqsietha x’kienet se tagħmel issa. Dorothy ħassitha mifnija. B’vuċi maħnuqa, staqsiet lil ħabibitha (għalkemm kienet taf it-tweġiba, imma bħal riedet konferma) jekk kinetx qalet is-sigriet tagħha lil Henry. “U ma tarax!” weġbitha l-ħabiba b’nofs daħqa. “Mela jien xi peċluqa għajjura, jew?”

L-istorja spiċċat b’li Dorothy marret tgħix ftit għand ħuha, u Henry baqa’ jsostni li daħqet bih. Hi, allavolja kienet taħlef li dejjem kienet retta, ma ridetx terġa’ tmur id-dar meta kienet taf li hu ma kienx jafdaha. U fejn qatt ma ħadmet f’ħajjitha, issa bdiet tmur taħsel għand in-nies, u moħħha donnu ħfief ukoll.

Saħqet li jien għandi ngħaddi żewġ messaġġi importanti; li ż-żwieġ mhux logħba, u li l-koppja għandhom iqiegħdu l-karti kollha fuq il-mejda. U siġriet tal-qrar, fil-qrar biss għandu jingħad.

Iżda l-iżjed ħaġa li nsistiet fuqha kienet li kulħadd jixtarr sewwa il-kliem tal-Mulej: “Kunu mela għaqlin bħas-sriep u safjin bħall-ħamiem. Oqogħdu attenti mill-bnedmin!” allavolja hawn meħudin barra mill-kuntest tagħhom.

Dinja Għalija: Meta l-medja tkun medjokri



Li kieku u li kien, qatt ma ltaqgħu flimkien, kienet tgħid in-nanna – u bħas-soltu, kellha raġin. Għax “kieku” xi ħadd mill-għalliema, jew almenu il-bidillu, kellu arma tan-nar, forsi dawk l-għoxrin tifla u tifel li ġew maqtula ma kienux imutu kollha…

U hawn irridu mmorru pass lura u ngħidu li kieku xi ħadd ta kas li dan iż-żagħżugħ “kellu xi ħaġa” li qed iġġiegħlu jbaqbad minn ġewwa, ma kienx ifur u jagħmel li għamel.

Iżda llum mhux fuq dan irrid nitkellem.

Se nuża dan il-każ biex nuri kemm-il medja għandha ħabta tesaġera u tħarref u tgħawweġ il-fatti skont ma jkun jaqbel, u skont kif jonforħ ir-riħ.

Mela, l-ewwel ħaġa li smajna kien li kien hemm massakru fi skola. U ftit ftit bdew iqattru l-aħbarijiet, minn hawn u minn hemm. Issa nafu li minn kif bdiet, u kif spiccat, hemm għadd kbir ta’ differenzi.

Dan ġara għax kulħadd irid ikun l-ewwel bl-aħbar (il-famuża scoop) u għaldaqstant, anqas biss indenjaw ruħhom jiċċekkjaw il-fatti.

Qalulna li kien jismu “hekk”, imma fil-fatt ma kienx. Kien hemm min jismu bħal ħu l-qattiel li saħansitra tkellem ħażin fuq Facebook u Twitter biex jgħid lin-nies li mhux hu kien…

Kif saret id-drawwa, bdew jintwerew ritratti tal-“preżunt qattiel” – li kien ħuh.

Qalulna li l-qattiel tħalla jidhol fl-iskola għax minn jagħfas il-buttuna li biha jinfetaħ il-bieb, għarfu li kien “tifel ta’ għalliema”, u ħallih jidħol. Issa smajna li hu żgassa l-bieb biex daħal. U hemm sorsi li jgħidu li hemm ħafna għalliema li anqas biss jafu min hi ommu (għax irriżenjat xi snin ilu biex tieħu ħsiebu).

Qalulna wkoll li daħal fil-klassi t’ommu, qatilha, u spara bl-addoċċ lejn it-tfal. Wara qalulna li sparalha d-dar, u mar joqtol lil missieru, u wara mar l-iskola. Wara qalulna li missieru reġa żżewweġ u anqas għadu jgħix fl-istess belt.

Smajna li l-pulizija ġabret raġel liebes ġakketta sewda li kien ħiereġ mill-bosk. U issa ma nafux x’sar minnu dal-flien.

Smajna li Adam ma kienx jaf juża arma tan-nar u wara sirna nafu li ommu ta’ sikwit kienet tieħdu magħha fuq ir-ranġe biex jitgħallem jispara sew, għax hi kienet akkanita ħafna fuq dan il-passatemp tagħha, u fil-fatt kienet iġġemma l-armi… meta kien hemm min qal li l-armi setgħu kienu illegali (fil-fatt kienu tal-omm).

Filli kien hemm żewġ armi, u filli kien hemm tlieta. Filli t-tfal inqatlu bi xkubetta, u filli nqatlu b’armi żgħar u l-azzarin instab fil-vettura tal-qattiel.

Filli qalu li Adam kien ġuvni ta’ waħdu, u filli qalu li kellu l-awtiżmu, u li kien bravu ħafna fl-iskola.

Issa dan hu eżempju estrem. Naf li hawn min qed jiskuża lil hekk imsejħa “ġurnalisti” għax f’sitwazzjoni ta’ stress, l-iżbalji jsiru.

Għalija, din mhux skuża tajba, u lanqas hi raġuni tajba. Ma narax għaliex wieħed għandu jxandar għajdut bħala fatti, basta fil-bulettini tal-aħbarijiet jew fl-artikli tal-gazzetti, jkun hemm affarijiet li f’medja oħra ma jkunux għadhom dehru.

Din traskuraġni, u nuqqas ta’ rispett lejn l-udjenza. U ma ninsewx li għalkemm ftit qabel ma sar dan il-qtil, kien hemm attakk kiefer fuq tfal fi skola fiċ-Ċina, ftit li xejn kien hemm min semmihom.

U iżjed ma toqrob l-elezzjoni, iżjed se naraw varjazzjonijiet lokali ta’ dan li għedt hawn fuq…

Inti wiċċek sfiq?


09:12  |  29.12.2013

Dan l-aħħar, fuq sit soċjali, b’nofs ċajta, xi ħadd ivvinta l-kelma stessu. Qal li din ser tkun il-kelma Maltija għal selfie.

Jien dort għalih, u għedtlu li la m’għandniex ġens newtrali, il-kelma kellha tkun stessa, għax selfies huwa “xbiha”. Kien hemm min qabel miegħi, u kien hemm min qal li selfies huwa ritratt, u għaldaqstant, nom tal-ġens maskil.

Qisna qbilna li għaldaqstant, raġel jieħu stessu, u mara tieħu stessa.

Kos, kemm tixbaħ il-kelma selfish, hux, il-kelma selfies?

Ara tarawhiex bħali… hawn min jitfa’ għexieren ta’ ritratti fuq is-siti soċjali, biex kulħadd jgħaddi l-kummenti bħal “xi ġmiel” jew “kemm hu ħelu xagħrek hekk”… probabbli iżjed milli hawn nies li jpoġġu ritratti tat-tfal jew għat-tfal tat-tfal biex kulħadd jitpaxxa bihom.

Dan il-fenomenu narċissista tant ħa, li l-Oxford English Dictionary iddikjara li selfie hija l-kelma tas-sena. U kulħadd jaf xi kjass qam meta l-Prim Ministru Daniża, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, ħadet selfie li fiha ddefsu wkoll David Cameron u Barack Obama.

Hawn min jisħaq li huwa importanti li tgħix il-mument preżenti; u m’hemm xejn iżjed preżenti minn selfie, għax jurik kif int filwaqt u l-ħin li tkun ħadtu.

Kien hemm żmien meta wieħed kien iserraħ il-kamera fuq tripod, idawwar it-timer, u jmur jiġri għal ħdejn grupp nies biex jiġi magħhom fir-ritratt. Issa dan iż-żmien għadda u mar, u selfie jittieħed tipikament minn smartphone jew webcam.

Jingħad li l-kelma nnifisha kienet ivvintata fl-2002, meta żagħżugħ Awstraljan li kien xi ftit xurban ħa dak li sa dak iż-żmien kien imsejjaħ awto-ritratt u qal “…u skużawni li dan mhux iffokat, għax dan selfie…”

U ftit wara, nibtu l-Ħelfie (selfie tax-xagħar), il-Belfie (selfie tal-warrani), u l-Welfie (waqt li wieħed ikun qiegħed jagħmel xi eżerċizzju). U hemm ukoll, ħaġa tal-għaġeb, id-Drelfie, li wieħd jieħu meta jkun fis-sakra.

Sit minnhom invażt b’selfies li jittieħdu waqt funeral… f’uħud minnhom saħansitra jidhru l-kadavri fit-twiebet miftuħa.

Imma dawn in-nies jafu jistħu? Jew tant huma wiċċhom sfiq li anqas tgħaddilhom minn moħħom li għandhom jistħu?

Il-kelma selfie nnifisha turi li r-ritratt huwa xi ħaġa egoċentrika. X’jimporta li int mort Ta’ Pinu, jew it-Taj Mahal, jew il-Piramidi, jew is-Sydney Opera House? Mhux basta tieħu selfie? Ħalliha tinżel, lix-xemx u tinseġ elf kulur fuq ix-xefaq. Mhux basta tieħu ritratt tiegħek innifsek? Jekk mhux għal kollox isbaħ, imma għall-anqas, żgur iżjed importanti…

Hawn min jgħidlek biex ma tintremiex, u hawn min jgħidlek biex ma tħallix min jistħek għax tkun umli ż-żejjed. Mela allura, l-ewwel iżżejjen il-paġni tiegħek b’għadd ta’ selfies, u mbagħad tgħid “Isma’, il-ġmiel mhux kollox…” Mela allura, qed tikkonferma li int taħseb li int sabiħ, u wara, tgħidilna li taħseb li għandek doni oħrajn ukoll.

Il-ħajja ta’ vera ta’ xi uħud twaħħdet mal-ħajja diġitali tagħhom. Nafu x’kielu, meta biddlu l-kulur ta’ xagħarhom, fejn marru, u ma’ min iltaqgħu iżjed milli t-telespettaturi ta’ The Truman Show kienu jkunu jafu x’qed jagħmel Jim Carey.

Il-lenti ta’ quddiemhom forsi ma tħallihomx ikunu “huma”, iżda jsiru “huma ta’ quddiem il-kamera”, artifiċjali u mimlija bihom infushom.

Int trid tkun bħal qatta’ oħrajn li qabel joħorġu mid-dar jiġbdu ritratt? Int rid li titfa’ selfie f’xi wieħed minn dawk is-siti fejn jgħidulek “Jaqq kemm int ikraħ, mur aqbeż minn fuq is-sur…”?

Aħna nafu kif il-fotografi tal-midja jsusu wara l-personalitajiet biex jiġbdulhom ir-ritratti meta jkunu mhux f’tagħhom. U dawn, biex juruna li huma xorta sbieħ, u mhux dejjem ikunu liebsin tracksuit kerha, jitfgħu ħafna selfies fuq is-siti tagħhom.

Snapchat, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, u siti oħra, lilna jagħtuna l-istess opportunità… għax jekk xi ħadd ma jaħmilniex pinġuti jitfa’ ritratt tagħna qisna x-xuxani, meta nkunu mlaħalħin, biex iwaqqgħuna għaċ-ċajt, aħna dlonk nitfgħu ħamsa, sitta, bil-kosmetiċi perfetti u b’maxta perfetta.

Aħna min aħna? Dawk li jidhru fir-rirtatti “mhux tagħna”; jew dawk tas-selfies, li qatt ma juruna mill-ġenb biex imneħierna ma jidhirx kbir, jew x’imkien fin-nofs?

Jew dawn huma tliet diskrizzjonijiet foloz, għax l-awtentiċità ma titkejjilx?

Apples of My Eye!


Filippa, Gala, Ariane, Falstaff, Gavin – Apples,

One of which you ought to take each day

To send the doctor on his way, and fast

And make sure he keeps on going,

Because you’re not sick, you’re well

Apart from hay-fever caused by Zestar flowers,

Holstein, Orkney, Dawn, and Empire flowers

Scented blooms of mellifluous names of Apples

Drinking nectar and ambrosia from the bottomless well

Blessing the earth with their beauty, day after day

Whichever way the market for them is going.

And farmers hoping their crops will sell fast

Better than cereals to break the fast,

Perfect for pot-pourri, the dried flowers

Containers of apples, to the markets going

First in the list, A-is-for-Apples

Give me an Esopus Spitzenberg, any day.

And maybe a Lord Lambourne and a Rajka as well.

Lore says eating apples will keep you well,

Or if you’ll sick, they’ll cure you fast.

I’d attest to that theory, any day

Despite my allergy to apple flowers,

There are hundreds of varieties of Apples,

Which ones you choose, depends upon where you’re going.

Eating raw, pureeing, or stewing, was what I meant by “going”

By the way… you can bob for apples, at festivals, as well…

But, for your teeth’s sake, steer clear of toffee Apples

Because gone the doctor, come the dentist, and fast!

You can make a tisane from the flowers

To soothe you ate the end of a tiring day.

So you see, Sweet Tango’s useful, night and day,

It would be good to keep the tradition going,

Whether for the fruit or for the flowers,

Or for the shade the trees give, as well….

It’s good to get the word around, and fast

For mind, body and soul, the best fruits are Apples.

The well fills, and quenches the thirst of Apples,

And always their flowers turn night into day

Making times of sadness go by fast, and urge them to keep going.

Selkie Poem

Pin by Claudinete Pereira on Selkies | Mythological creatures, Art,  Mythical creatures

See Neil MacCodrum,
Handsome and rich, old-young man
Not wanting a wife

Old before his time
Blamed Adam for Man’s doom
And losing Eden

Old woman warned him
He might be bewitched himself
Somewhere in Orkney

One day in the ebb
He chanced a crowd of selkies
With their seal-skins off.

Bodies white as snow
They frolicked in the water,
Relishing the sun.

Goodman crept closer
They fled off in disarray;
Left one pelt behind.

Seal-maiden bereft
Of her means of going home
Had to marry him.

Bore him seven kids
Orcadian yet half Selkie;
Yet remained home-sick.

Four sons went fishing
In their boat with Goodman dad
Youngest girl stayed home.

Eldest gathered whelks
Selkie Wife searched but and ben
For her long-lost skin.

Peedie lass asked mum
If she could join the hunt-game
And what was its aim.

“Bonnie skin for shoe
That would cure your wee sore foot”
Was the vague reply.

Bairn’s face brightened up;
She had seen Goodman hide it –
“He gloured at it for aye!”

Selkie wife felt bliss
Took the skin and fled to sea,
“Fare thee weel, buddo!”

Goodman and sons saw
Two Selkies amid the waves;
Wife and Selkie Man.

“Goodman o’ Wastness
Aye, I liked thee weel enough
But my life’s the Sea.”

Goodman haunts the shore
To this day, looking for her;
She will not return.