Id-Dar il-Ġdida

Ġejjin plumbers, electricians,
Ġejja l-ġara li taf tħit
Sajjart torti, tonn, lażanja,
Għax lil dawn, titmagħhom, trid.

Għandi kollox sotto sopra
Ħlief il-kċina m’għandix sew
Aħjar naqbad niżbarazza
Għax fid-disgħa jkunu ġew.

F’din id-dar li aħna xtrajna
Solar panels hawn ukoll
U ġej Toni jqabbadhomlna –
B’li niffranka, nħallas – lol!

Lina tħitli il-purtieri
Lawrence jgħaddi d-dawl għal fuq
Ġorg ser jikkordali sprinkler
Just in case jinqala’ ħruq.

Hekk fettilli, naqla’ kollox
Biex f’jumejn ix-xogħol isir
Mark, l-bejt se jkun iħalleb…
Meta jlestu… mmur irtir! 

Once, in Wastness…

May be an image of nature, tree and lake

See Neil MacCodrum,

Handsome and rich, old-young man

Not wanting a wife//

Old before his time

Blamed Adam for Man’s doom

And losing Eden//

Old woman warned him

He might be bewitched himself

Somewhere in Orkney//

One day in the ebb

He chanced a crowd of selkies

With their seal-skins off.//

Bodies white as snow

They frolicked in the water,

Relishing the sun.//

Goodman crept closer

They fled off in disarray;

Left one pelt behind.//

Seal-maiden bereft

Of her means of going home

Had to marry him.//

Bore him seven kids

Orcadian yet half Selkie;

Yet remained home-sick.//

Four sons went fishing

In their boat with Goodman dad

Youngest girl stayed home.//

Eldest gathered whelks

Selkie Wife searched but and ben

For her long-lost skin.//

Peedie lass asked mum

If she could join the hunt-game

And what was its aim.//

“Bonnie skin for shoe

That would cure your wee sore foot”

Was the vague reply.//

Bairn’s face brightened up;

 She had seen Goodman hide it –

“He gloured at it for aye!”//

Selkie wife felt bliss

 Took the skin and fled to sea,

 “Fare thee weel, buddo!”//

Goodman and sons saw

Two Selkies amid the waves;

Wife and Selkie Man.//

“Goodman o’ Wastness

 Aye, I liked thee weel enough

 But my life’s the Sea.”//

 Goodman haunts the shore

 To this day, looking for her;

 She will not return.//


Prompts and interesting reading from: